Ein Hologramm für den König

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Année: 2014-2016
Durée: 02:17 min
Description: A Hologram for the KingAs a result of the banking crisis, the company of Alan Clay, an American man in his fifties, is about to go bankrupt. As a last resort, the old-fashioned businessman accepts the offer of an aspiring IT company, to go on a job to Saudi Arabia. There, in the middle of the desert, a business metropolis named 'King Abdullah Economic City' is about to be built. Clay's mission is to use this opportunity to present an innovative holographic communication technology to the king. But once Clay arrives, it becomes uncertain whether the king will receive him at all. This uncertainty, as well as the enormous heat and the dusty climate, is tugging at Clay's nerves. In addition, the shoddy building site of the pompously announced retort city does not look very promising. During the days of waiting, Clay befriends his personal driver. Through him he gets to know the Arab country in unexpected, equally fascinating and confusing ways.
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / X Verleih AG (Berlin)
Director: Tom Tykwer
Type de document:
Language: de